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Hi there I am trying to undertake some spatial validation of input data (points), notably to determine if the ID given to the points is within a polygon with the same ID.  Easy so far (PointonPolygonOverlay / Tester).  



But what I then want to do for those points that fall outside is calculate the distance to the polygon it should be in.  Unfortunately although the point doesn't fall into the polygon it should, it does fall into another polygon so when I run NeighbourFinder all i get is the distance to the nearest polygon, not the one with the matching ID.  Can anyone advise if this is the best route or if there is a better way of doing this?





you can set the "group by" in the NeighborFinder to the ID. This limits the search to the polygons that have the same ID as the point.



Hi David,



Which ID do I use, the ID of the base or the candidate, or both?  tbh I have tried all three options and I get the following results:



BASE ID = All go through matched, although the close candidate list does not contain the ID of the candidate, just .  In addition I know that some IDs in the base do not have an equivalent in the candidate so I don't think this is getting the right result


CANDIDATE ID = All go through unmatched


BOTH = All go through unmatched



Please find below screenshots of the workbench and transformer parameters if that helps?


















both the BASE and the CANDIDATE must have an attribute in common, i.e. that it must exist with the same name in both datasets.



So if you're using the attribute called "LCS_L1", that attribute must be present in both BASE and CANDIDATE features (all of them). Then only those BASE and CANDIDATE features where LCS_L1 has the same value will be considered by the NeighborFinder.




Ah I see, I had column A (Base) which was LCS_L1, and the corresponding column in the Candidate table was called SITE_ID.  Once I renamed these to be the same it appears to be working - many thanks for your help!
