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Hi friends,

I am trying to do converstion from a vertices to lines that I am working on for a somebody. He use a GPS to track prarire dogs for his work.

So I looked at the shapefile he provided me and it has no GPS. So I create them with the latitude and longtitude.

 What I am trying to do here is to use the LineBuilder here and then use writer to create a new shapefile…

It came out nothing…

What might I go wrong here ?


I work for US agency and we have FME Desktop 2022.2 version. Do not ask me why.



Working with FME 2021.2 mostly here. Have 2022, 2023 and 2024 also but no need to use that.

But your question is a bit hard to understand.

You have a shapefile, but the shapefile does not have geometry (what you call GPS). But it has a column lat and long. So you used a VertexCreator to make point geometry. And now you want to convert Point geometry to Line geometry.

This is indeed done with a LineBuilder.

You can connect the LineBuilder to an Inspector to see if the result is as expected.

If that's true then you can start using a FeatureWriter to write the data into a Shapefile. If you set it to the right parameters it should create a Shapefile containing a Line. But for now we don't even know if the data is what you expect so the error could be anywhere.



It would be helpful to see a copy of your workspace or even a screen capture. You need to create vertices using the coordinates before you use linebuilder and you should assign a coordinate system to the line before you write it to a shapefile.

