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I have a table of data that I’m trying to map. The locations are essentially polygons with their bounding streets entered as attributes:

I have street data and have been able to create polygons using AreaBuilder, but am stuck on trying to add all of the streets back as searchable/joinable attributes rather than items in a list.

I’ve tried the ListExploder and gotten a stack of polygons, each one with one street’s attributes, but I aggregating isn’t quite getting me the results I’d expect. 

In a perfect world, I’d be able to run FeatureJoiner or something similar on every item in the list, but it only seems to allow one.

Any advice is very much appreciated!

Can you provide an example of what your process looks like, and what you would want as the end result.



I think what is happening:

You got an area that is enclosed by streets. It could be 2 streets or 5 streets or whatever amount of streets. And you want to be able to search for a street, and then get all the Polygons that are partly enclosed by that street.

The simple answer is: Use the ListConcatenator
That will create one Attribute containing all your streetnames so you can check if your streetname is in that attribute.

What I normally do in these situations is:

This creates a nice HTML Table with all the Streets. You could add more data to the rows. Like starting and ending house number or something.





Maybe the ListBasedFeatureMerger can do what you need?
