I've recently changed jobs to Intergraph, hoping to continue working with FME. For that, I will need the 'Intergraph GeoMedia SQL Server Warehouse' writer, which doesn't seem to be invincible.
However, here is my first issue. I read *.shp data, do some Attribute Renaming and write to the SQL Server. Everything goes well, according to the FME log file. Nevertheless, no table is created. Since FME connects to the database, this seems a bit odd to me.
What I then did, was creating the table with Management Studio to check whether the DROP, defined in the Warehouse writer, gets executed or not. It doesn't seem the case. Yet, this is copied from the FME Workbench log file:
Successfully connected to source dataset 'MapStaging_Gent'
GeoMedia SQL Writer: Dropped table `RoadNetwork4BCN_GeoMedia'
Although the log file states that the table is dropped, it is still there after the Workbench has finished. It is not recreated by FME, since I defined different field names.
=-=-=-=-=-=-=Features Written Summary=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
RoadNetwork4BCN_GeoMedia 14576
Total Features Written 14576
Translation was SUCCESSFUL with 0 warning(s) (14576 feature(s) output)
Does anybody have a clue why FME gives feedback that everything is done right, but in reality nothing happens? This was happening in FME 2012, issue remained after upgrading to FME 2013.
best regards,