
"IFMELine was given an index beyond its current range" error with FME 2017 but successful on FME 2018, any solution?

  • 18 December 2019
  • 1 reply

While running a translation on FME 2017, my workspace fails and log file shows this error.

I believe feature merger transformer is failing here.

But when I copied the same workspace on another system with FME 2018 everything worked out perfectly without any errors. What is the reason behind this and how it can be resolved?

1 reply

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@gauripearl My guess would be that the error is actually occurring in the PointOnLineOverlayer. You could test that by disabling the transformer and running the workspace again. We are always attempting to fix issues in FME. In this case the solution seems to be to upgrade it your organisation will allow it.

Remember that you can have multiple installs of FME Desktop on the same computer - just install the new version in a different install folder, i.e.: c:\\apps\\FME2018. So you can continue to run most of your workflow on the older version if you need to.
