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httpcaller to geoserver for getcapabilities to xml

  • 26 November 2019
  • 3 replies

I'm trying to build a service catalogue of our municipality's services (WMS and WFS) for easy search and access. I have successfully used xml readers and httpcaller along with xml flatteners to extract the information into a queryable json table and presenting it with datatables ( ).

Very handy and fast. But now I've run into some trouble that I can't really understand or work around. Getting the info from well over 600 services has been easy but the last one I added does not work. See attatched workspace.


"TK OPEN" works just fine. "Miljö" does not. It seems to be related to XML and HTTPS, but that really isn't my strongest field. getcapabilities.fmwAm I doing something wrong? Is there, perhaps, a simpler or other way to do this?

3 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +24

Hi @totobobiasos - Seems to be a valid XML-file according to

Changed URL to

That seemed to do the trick - guessing the version=1.1.1 is not supported anymore...



Hi @totobobiasos - Seems to be a valid XML-file according to

Changed URL to

That seemed to do the trick - guessing the version=1.1.1 is not supported anymore...


Ah. I commited a foul noob mistake! I thank you for solving my issue :-)


Not sure about my self image now, though...

Badge +3

Hi @totobobiasos 

I know that this post is 4 years old but I wonder if you still have the workspace and you could share it or at least a screenshot of it? I am looking to do exactly the same thing and I was seraching about a solution and came across your post. 
