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I have a workspace that reads a geodatabase polygons and writes areas to a dwg file. In between I use a DWGStyler to add a hatch fill pattern to an area. But when I want to add a hatch fill pattern, I see only the standard hatch options. Where are my custom hatch fill patterns from my template fill?

I have received also the .pat files of the custom hatch patterns. But how do I use those in my workspace? I installed autocad to meet the environment specifications. I placed my custom .pat files in every possible folder that can be used by autocad and fme. But no extra hatch patterns in my fill pattern name window of FME. But in Autocad they will pop-up next to the standard hatches.

Is there a specific folder where I have to place my .pat files.?

Can FME read custom hatches from a template dwg?


Who can help me?




FME(R) 2020.0.1.0 (20200407 - Build 20218 - WIN64)

I'm writing to dwg not REALdwg. If that is a part of the solution I will try.

Hi @vega1979​, there is currently an enhancement request for the option to see the custom hatch patterns available on the system when using the DWGStyler (FMEENGINE-66769). Provided the .pat file is in the correct location and the environment variable is set correctly. The folder you use will depend on which dwg writer you are using. See hatch documentation.

You can still use the custom hatch patterns but you will have to type the name of the .pat file into the Fill Pattern Name parameter in the DWGStyler.

Test this out and let me know if it works for you, be sure to look at the output in AutoCAD also. Best of luck.

