
How to convert from dgn (v8) to ifc?

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Hello everyone,

For my colleague I would like to convert dgn (V8 and 3D) to a IFC file.

I tried based on the following link that converts dwg to IFC. I tried to adjust the workbench from that link to make it work with Microstation (V8), however I am already stuck at the Creating the Space Geometry part. There are a lot of attributes for which I don't know what the Microstation equivalent is and I am not sure whether what I want is to currenlty possible to achieve in FME desktop 2022.

For example I don't know the Microstation equivalent of these autocad attributes:

  • Height
  •  LongName
  • Name
  • autocad_entity_handle

I was wondering if someone can send me in the right direction

4 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +17

Hi @joy​,

The Height, Name and LongName attributes are user attributes on the AutoCAD data, and may not have equivalents in your Microstation file. If you would like to share a sample of your DGN file, I could check if there are Tags or labels that might convey that information.

The equivalent to autocad_entity_handle would be igds_element_id.

Badge +13

Hi @joy​,

The Height, Name and LongName attributes are user attributes on the AutoCAD data, and may not have equivalents in your Microstation file. If you would like to share a sample of your DGN file, I could check if there are Tags or labels that might convey that information.

The equivalent to autocad_entity_handle would be igds_element_id.

hi @daveatsafe​ I have included a sample of the dgn as an attachment. In case you need more information, just let me know.

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@daveatsafe​ Did you manage to find something?

Userlevel 2
Badge +17

@daveatsafe​ Did you manage to find something?

Hi @joy​,

Your DGN file doesn't appear to have any information that could be used to populate the Height, Name and LongName attributes. You could use the standard 3.3m (10 foot) story height for the Height.
