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Can someone help me to set up a python script in Pythoncaller.


I don´t konw how to define the outport so the workspace can continue with the dissolved data.

I have tried this without result..:

def processFeature(feature):


arcpy.Dissolve_management(feature, Output_Feature_Class, "feature.getAttribute('mergeid')", "", "MULTI_PART", "DISSOLVE_LINES")

I need to use the arcmap dissolver because the FME dissolver makes some polygons disapear with my big dataset!

You have to first write out the feature class in FME, execute arcpy and then re-read the feature class back into FME. You could accomplish this by chaining several workspaces.

You cannot use the PythonCaller as if it were a transformer with arcpy, unfortunately.

You have to first write out the feature class in FME, execute arcpy and then re-read the feature class back into FME. You could accomplish this by chaining several workspaces.

You cannot use the PythonCaller as if it were a transformer with arcpy, unfortunately.

I have successfully used featureWriter -> PythonCaller with Arcpy -> featureReader, no chaining of workspaces necessary.

You have to first write out the feature class in FME, execute arcpy and then re-read the feature class back into FME. You could accomplish this by chaining several workspaces.

You cannot use the PythonCaller as if it were a transformer with arcpy, unfortunately.

Ok. Thanks for the answer.
I have successfully used featureWriter -> PythonCaller with Arcpy -> featureReader, no chaining of workspaces necessary.
Ah, yes, the FeatureWriter might be an option, I agree.


