Have a look at the DateTimeConverter
FME datetime is a float 20230424170926.4335554
2023 04 24 17 09 26.4335554
yyyy mm dd hh mm ss.sssssss
Converting to an integer is just a matter of rounding so AttributeRounder is another choice when processing datetime. Round down for your case
Also, getting YYYYMM from FME datetime can be solved by rounding down to -8 decimal places (minus eight) then dividing the result by 10^8. By using
in an AttributeManager or AttributeCreator will give you the values you need.
Late response as was ANZAC day holiday here in NZ on Tuesday.
Thanks very much @hkingsbury and @caracadrian for your responses. Really appreciate you taking the time, and caracadrian's comment helped me understand FME date and datetime formats.
Working Solution
In relation to the second part of my question I used DateTimeConverter as suggested by @hkingsbury to get both inputs in YYYY-MM-DD format (including the hyphens), which I understand is the native format of SQLite. The InlineQuerier SQL join based on date in InlineQuerier was then able to match correctly and look up values.
As usual with FME I'm sure there is a simpler way that uses fewer transformers but working for now.