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Hallo FME Community,

I have a DWG file with about 100 layers. I managed to reduce the layers to 20 layers with FME by merging layers. Blocks in my DWG result are broken up into their component parts and they aren't one block but several lines. does anyone know how blocks can remain as blocks after transformation.

Thanks in advance.



not check Entity Options > Explode Blocks into Entities

write as "autocad_entity" > autocad_insert

Hallo @tomfriedl​,

Thank you for reply.

mean you by ("autocad_entity" > autocad_insert) that I expose format attribute "autocad_entity" and give it that "autocad_insert"?




@tomfriedl​  I did the same. in this case I unfortunately get an empty DWG file. the layers are there but layers are empty.


You have set autocad_block_name? The write have a "Template file" with defined block?


@tomfriedl​ my transformation is DWG to DWG. I merg only many layers in 3 layer during the tranformation.

I have such complicated DWG file.

DWG (1)before the transformation I got blocks and after the transformation I would get blocks as well.

DWG (2) but I get polyline.

DWG (3)can't blocks stay as a block, if I don't have a template?



You have a template. It's your source-file. Don't explode blocks.
