Hi Isabell,
umlauts and special characters should, in principle, work without any special treatment in the SQLExecutor. However, character sets can be tricky and there are a lot of factors involved, such as:
- the locale settings of your machine
- the encoding of the input data (unicode, code pages, etc)
- the type and config of the database client driver on your machine
- the locale settings of the database server
- the type and config of the database
- the field and index type used in the table in question
As you can see, most of these have little to do with FME...
Normally, the SQLEexcutor will echo the first one or two calls to the database to the log window. I suggest you start by looking there to see if the umlauts are printed correctly. Feel free to post an extract of the log here.
Hey David,
thanks for your quick reply.
I tried the same with an SQLCreator, but I can't get the rows with umlauts from the database (in a simple select).
Here's what's in the log file:
SQLExecutor(QueryFactory): Performing query against ORACLE8I dataset `abt4ora'
ORACLE Reader: Using Oracle 8 SC Reader to read tables from database `', server type `ORACLE8i', server name `abt4ora', user name `ATKISINFO', password `***'
ORACLE Reader: Using Rich geometry.
Loaded module 'OCI' from file 'OCI.dll'
Environment variable ORACLE_HOME is not set.
Connecting to ORACLE database `abt4ora' with user name of `ATKISINFO' and password of `***'
Connected to ORACLE database `abt4ora'
Oracle database version is ''
Environment variable ORACLE_HOME is not set.
Connecting to ORACLE database `abt4ora' with user name of `ATKISINFO' and password of `***'
Connected to ORACLE database `abt4ora'
ORACLE Reader: Executing SQL Statement `select * from hk_hauskoordinaten
where PLZ_postleitzahl like '63820'
and postal_strname like 'Mühlweg'
and hausnummer like '22'' to obtain features for feature type `QueryFactory_SQLExecute'
... Last line repeated 2 times ...
I just saw that the characterset of the oracle client in the registry is differing from the characterset in the database.
Could this be the problem?
it should be ok to have different character sets on the server and on the client, it's quite common.
Have you defined NLS_LANG for the Oracle client?
Have a look here for details.