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Ground classification using Point cloud data

  • 29 August 2024
  • 5 replies


I'm attempting to classify the ground from point cloud data using FME transformers, but I haven't been able to achieve the expected results. Could you please provide a detailed workflow for ground classification in FME? I specifically want to generate a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) of the ground, excluding other features. 



Point cloud 


Hey @mahapandian,

Have you had a chance to check out the articles on classifying point cloud data in FME here? You might also find it useful to try out the steps in this article: Re-classifying a Point Cloud in FME.

Let me know if that helps!

- Emma


Hi @emmaatsafe Thank you so much for your response. I've been following the workflow for 'Re-classifying a Point Cloud in FME.' However, the example uses LAS and MrSID raster data as input. I only have LAS and TIFF format data. I've tried to find a conversion transformer from TIFF to MrSID within FME, but it seems to be unavailable.

Are there any alternative methods for ground classification using point cloud data in FME?. 


Hey @mahapandian,

Another method for ground classification would be to use these transformers directly on your LAS file (photo attached):

  1. PointCloudSplitter to split the point cloud by classification
  2. PointCloudLASClassifier: this is a custom transformer that assigns classification values based on the standard ASPRS classification values
  3. RasterDEMGenerator to create a DEM then write it out to a DEM writer if that’s the end goal

You can read more on it in this article.

Let me know if this works and is what you’re looking for. Here to help!



Hi @emmaatsafeThank you for your support. I've tried this workflow but haven't gotten the expected results. If you don't mind, I could share my sample data. Could you please take a look at it?


Hey @mahapandian,

Absolutely! In addition to your data can you please let me know:

  • The build (5 digits) of your workbench (can be found under Help > About FME Workbench )
  • Describe the exact results that want to achieve

I will try my best to support!

