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I'm trying to georeference some non-geospatial PDF files. I have the corresponding GEOTIFF and a shape of the desired bound for each one. I need a PDF output in CMYK and a reasonable file size (that's why i'm not using GEOTIFF directly in the first place).

Here is what I have tried so far:

1) replace the boundingbox geometry of the pdf by the shape, but the pdf bondingbox get rejected

2) use raster georeferencer with known upper left coodinates, but I don't know how to find the appropriate cell spacing, and using raster is part of my problem (as explained above).

Any ideas ? Thanks

The cell spacing should be used from the raster data itself - check in the data inspector for the cell spacing. If you are worried thay the file will be too big you can use a RasterResampler to reduce the resolution of the original.

As a side not the Geotiff writer has the ability to compress if you want to use the GeoTIff. You can use JPEG compression and set it fairly high - I think 75% is the default.

The cell spacing should be used from the raster data itself - check in the data inspector for the cell spacing. If you are worried thay the file will be too big you can use a RasterResampler to reduce the resolution of the original.

As a side not the Geotiff writer has the ability to compress if you want to use the GeoTIff. You can use JPEG compression and set it fairly high - I think 75% is the default.

Hi, thank you for your response, i used the raster propertyextractor on my geotiff but the cell spacing is way too small and somehow fme upper_left_x and upper_left_y aren't exactly the same as indicated in the .tfw file

Hi, thank you for your response, i used the raster propertyextractor on my geotiff but the cell spacing is way too small and somehow fme upper_left_x and upper_left_y aren't exactly the same as indicated in the .tfw file

In the TFW the upper left x and y coordinates are for the center of the upper left pixel, so they can be off from the bounds extracted earlier.
