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I have a set of dynamically segmented lines, from a dynamic segmentation workspace I set up. The problem is, I have so far over 2 million dynamic segments, and I would like to extract measure values (Beg_measure, and end_measure) for each of these dynamically segmented sections. These dynamic segments are generated by overlaying (using a lineonareaoverlayer) a bunch of environmental data on a set of lines (Rivers, land_types ETC) and the lines are segmented at each point where the data changes.

The source linear dataset has measures on them, but I'm having trouble generating the measures for the dynamic segments. Any suggestions or contributions are welcome.

Thanks in advance for your help.

I'm not quite sure I understand the question, but could it be that you're looking for the MeasureExtractor to get the start and end measures?

If I'm mistaken, posting an example or some screenshots would help.

I'm not quite sure I understand the question, but could it be that you're looking for the MeasureExtractor to get the start and end measures?

If I'm mistaken, posting an example or some screenshots would help.

Hi @david_r,


Thanks for the reply. I have attached a screenshot of my workspace and hopefully, this will shed some light on the problem. Basically, I have millions of smaller sections of a line, and I would like to generate begin and end measures for each of them. see the workspace:



This is what I've done so far:



When I run this workspace, I get the results below:



However, it looks like all the begin measures of the short segments are 0.


I would like the measures to be continuous, based on the total length of the route and the position of the dynamic segment, so that each of the dynamic segments will derive its start from the previous one. Does this explain the issue?



Thanks for your help.


