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Hello everyone,


I have a question regards generalizing the lines in dwg file with FME.


It might be super simple question for some one who knows the tolerances very well.


Please see the picture bellow, Takashi already helped me to set the generalized tolerance at 1e-2 ( which I do not understand it! ) with Douglas algorithm. But here is what I need now.


I want all the lines which touching each other to be replaced with one line in the condition that they are in the same direction. with the Douglas algoritm and 1e-2 tolerance I had all the lines broken in the intersections which is increasing the number of my obj some how.


So, in the attached picture I want the line A & B to be replaced with line C starting at LINE A start and ending i LINE B end point.


Any guidance is appreciated!




So, I think I want to edit my question. Cause I am not sure this question topic should be Generalize Tolerance and it might be LineJoiner issue. Caue I think I should first be able to join the two line of A & B and then try to replace them with line C... maybe!?!  



The separation of lines at intersections has been brought by the LineOnLineOverlayer, has not been caused by the Douglas algorithm. The algorithm removes intermediate vertices on a line if those are located (almost) on a straight line.



It might be difficult to connect the lines except the case where the lines that should be connected have common attribute.


btw, why should A and B be connected?






1. Add this in your script (coordinate calculator for start and end point is required, if it is not calculated before) to calculate direction. As well as add direction attribute in all the LineJoiner/s.


2. It has a constraint when lines are present in different direction like 90deg and 270deg. 





