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HI all, does someone have (or has someone had experience with this):

JPEG reader: `C:\\Users\\USER1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\wbrun_1699971545629_16788\\fmetmp_4\\ImageFetcher1699971789428_20972' exists but could not be opened. File contents may be invalid, or the file format may not be supported

JPEG reader: Failed to open the dataset 'C:\\Users\\USER1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\wbrun_1699971545629_16788\\fmetmp_4\\ImageFetcher1699971789428_20972'. Please ensure source data is valid and correct reader is selected.

The funny thing is I never had an issue with that and it was working perfectly.

Any ideas?

Does it work with FeatureCaching switched off?

Hi, thanks for your message.

If you're talking about Run>Enable Feature Cache(Ctr+F5) - this is off and it's still giving me this error.

Hi, thanks for your message.

If you're talking about Run>Enable Feature Cache(Ctr+F5) - this is off and it's still giving me this error.

OK, just checking as the log refers to the temp files.

Hello @ivelin_gae13​, you mentioned this was working before, have you recently upgraded FME Form and now you experience the error? Are you able to share the version/build of FME Form you upgraded from/to?

It may be also helpful to see how the ImageFetcher parameters are set (eg. what is image type set too?), as well as the Image URL you're attempting to fetch from. Happy to take a closer look, Kailin.

Hi, thanks for your response.

I haven't upgraded the version and it's actually a 'Data interoperability' extension from ArcPro (don't know why it's called this way) but the version is - FME(R) 2022.2.1.0 (20221202 - Build 22776 - WIN64.

So for the Transformer itself I set JPEG and then a given URL for the image to GET from(this a an AGOL attachment image link+ a token). Do you think a reinstall of the FME would work?

Hi, thanks for your response.

I haven't upgraded the version and it's actually a 'Data interoperability' extension from ArcPro (don't know why it's called this way) but the version is - FME(R) 2022.2.1.0 (20221202 - Build 22776 - WIN64.

So for the Transformer itself I set JPEG and then a given URL for the image to GET from(this a an AGOL attachment image link+ a token). Do you think a reinstall of the FME would work?

It could be that the data you are requesting isn't returning an image. Are you able to put the same url directly into a browser to get the image? It could also be that the image is perhaps a png rather that a jpeg. It could also be that the image is corrupt as well.

I don't think reinstalling FME here will help

Ok, I think I fixed it. It seams the issue was indeed the URL itself. It couldn't find the photo that was supposed to be found.

Thanks to everyone for their support. The thing was the error submitted wasn't pointing me in the right direction - hence this discussion...Usually url response returned is 'status code 200' and then other transformers would explicitly state that there is something wrong with the URL but not in this case...
