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Hi there,

Thanks in advance for any help. I have a point cloud that is in XY-MT format. My goal is to figure out where the openings are on a 'flat surface'. I have taken the point cloud and filtered it so only the data I care about is being used (PointCloudFilter). I am now left with a point cloud that clearly shows my openings. I am looking to show the XY coordinates of the 7 openings shown on the attachment. I have tried a few of the transformations, but I am not having much luck.



Can someone point me in a direction where I may find the positions of these openings?

Here is the image of my pointcloud



Thank you @jamiemcc for your question. I do not necessarily have a direct answer for you, but if you could provide a sample of your dataset I could try to find a solution to your problem!


My initial thoughts are to turn your dataset into a vector (by using a NumericRasterizer, RasterToPolygonCoercer, and Dissolver) and then using a clipper to find the area of the openings which will give you the vertices that you describe. I am sure there are many other ways to solve this problem, I hope this gives you some ideas!
