
FeatureMerger - not possible to use list element?

Userlevel 1
Badge +21
I'd like to use the FeatureMerger with the first element of a list as the Requestor Join Attribute. Unlike with most other transformers it doesn't appear to be possible to do this.



Expected behaviour or a bug (or user error?)

5 replies

Userlevel 5



you didn't specify which version of FME, but it seems to work fine with FME2013 SP2.



If you use an older version, I suggest you use an AttributeRenamer first to retrieve the value into an ordinary non-list attribute.



Userlevel 1
Badge +21
FME 2013 but not SP2.



If you simply rename the attribute and use that as the Requestor Join Attribute this doesn't appear to work either. Using exactly the same data and using a listexploder results in features passing out the complete port...




Userlevel 5
That is curious, I just tested it here without any problems.



Could you perhaps post a screenshot of your merger settings along with a couple of sample features?



Userlevel 2
Badge +17



I tested the ListIndexcer, AttributeCreator, AttributeRenamer, exposing directly to change the first element of a list to a non-list attribute, and all worked successfully in the FeatureMerger (FME 2013 SP1). Actually, where the list came from? I have seen a case lacking the first element when a list contains flattened XML element values from the XML reader or the XMLFlattener.


Userlevel 1
Badge +21
I think it's some sort of data issue, which is somehow sorted by exploding the list, perhaps related to the fact that the data has started off with linebreaks etc. I don't have any facility to upload sample data, but screenshots of the workbenches below after running showing feature flow










Adding an attributetrimmer (not specifying any trim characters) after the attributerenamer in the first workbench also results in features being successfully merged, although the stringlength remains unchanged for every feature after trimming??



