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I have a list containing several list as this example :






So I use a ListExploder for the A list. Then I have to use 3 ListExploder for each remaining list B, C and D.

Is there another way to do it minimizing the amount of ListeExploder in my project?


Hi @slerendu, if each feature has all the components ('A{}.B{}' AND 'A{}.C{}' AND 'A{}.D{}'), I don't think you can avoid using three ListExploders (unless you write a Python script). If each feature has only a single component ('A{}.B{}' OR 'A{}.C{}' OR 'A{}.D{}'), you can rename the component (B, C, D) to an identical name using ListRenamers.

Hi @slerendu, if each feature has all the components ('A{}.B{}' AND 'A{}.C{}' AND 'A{}.D{}'), I don't think you can avoid using three ListExploders (unless you write a Python script). If each feature has only a single component ('A{}.B{}' OR 'A{}.C{}' OR 'A{}.D{}'), you can rename the component (B, C, D) to an identical name using ListRenamers.

Hi Takashi, thanks for your answer. Ok, I'll do it.

For the use of ListRenamers, I saw your answer on the other post ;-)

BTW, how do you manage to add a link to my name (@takashi)?

Just type the name of the poster. (or any other member) Correctly spelled of course...
