I am getting the following error in a FME Form Workspace:
Starting translation...
ERROR : INCLUDE -- failed to evaluate TCL expression ` if { {-1} == {0} && {ORIGINAL} == {ORIGINAL} } { puts "MACRO REAL_MODE LAST"; puts "MACRO REAL_RATE <Unused>"; } else { puts "MACRO REAL_MODE ORIGINAL"; puts "MACRO REAL_RATE [expr <Unused> * ( -1 ? -1 : -1 ) ]"; } ' -- missing operand at _@_
in expression "_@_<Unused> * ( -1 ? -1 :..."
(parsing expression "<Unused> * ( -1 ? -1 :...")
invoked from within
expr <Unused> * ( -1 ? -1 : -1 )
invoked from within
if { {-1} == {0} && {ORIGINAL} == {ORIGINAL} } { puts "MACRO REAL_MODE LAST"; puts "MACRO REAL_RATE <Unused>"; } else { ...
Program Terminating
Translation FAILED.
In a general context , what does this error mean? What are examples of issues that can trigger it and what FME form workspace design approaches eliminate it? In the specific workspace, if I progress through the workspace from beginning to end using the “Run To This” option on each transformer than the error doesn’t occur. The error does occur when I try to run multiple transformers at the same time. In a previous instance I had eliminated this error by changing the location of certain transformers within a workflow, but currently I can’t isolate which part of the workspace is triggering it.