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When using data streaming service with FME Server I know that an engine needs to run to generate the initial file that will be streamed. Once this file is generated i.e. a geo JSON file, is an engine involved when a user hits the endpoint to retrieve the geo JSON? Or is the data streamed from the web server?



Also, if we have multiple engines and the streaming job is run by multiple users at the same time, will they be attempting to over write the same file? Is the streaming dependent on the file that gets written by the job or does it stream directly from server?

Whenever san FME Server Data Streaming URL is called, this will use an engine to run the job to generate the output. The output will be written to a temp folder on the server and streamed from there. You can find this exact location from the job log.


The engine will become available once that file has been written (and the workspace completed), and that file will then be streamed back.

Every time the Data Streaming Service is called FME will run a new job, creating a new output file and stream the new output. There won't be any over writing of data as they are written to a unique folder structure, so there's no need to worry if multiple users use the same service at once.

That is the reason why it is important to know how many jobs you will be handling with FME Server or how long would the jobs take in order to choose the appropriate number of engine you would require as one might not be enough.
