I have got multiple featureclasses within a database, which I need to compare with the same database in the future. The featureclasses all have a GlobalID (unique value), which is the same as the GlobalID in the other database. I need to detect any changes to geometry and attribute values and write these away in preferably a new featureclass, an Excel list will also do.
The "Changes" list or table should include the GlobalID of the feature, the "before" value and the "after" value. The geometry I have found is not an issue as I can use the "Change detector". However I seem to struggle with the change in attribute value, I have gone over several posts but none with a (working) answer (some links do not work anymore).
I am rather new to FME myself and do not have a lot of python knowledge, I am working with FME Desktop 2018.1 and the ArcMap the features come from/go back into is ArcMap version 10.3.1.
Any help or guidelines would be much appreciated!