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Has anyone else experienced this? I'm using FME 2022.2. If I pick an attribute from the arrow drop down menu, it inserts it in the DateTime Attributes field as @Value(CREATETIMESTAMP). When the transformer runs, it doesn't convert the value.DateTimeConverter with weird attribute value using @Value But if I select the attribute from the 3 dots menu, it's fine

DateTimeConverter value selected from 3 dots menuIn the 3 dots menu chooser, there are sort of two sets of the attributes....

list of attributes plus list of @Value(attributes)

I've come across this as well recently, FME 2022.2 just like you

It's a known issue, see here

@jakethepainter​ This is a common pitfall in the DataTimeConverter GUI that others have encountered. We've changed the GUI slightly in FME 2023 so that, hopefully, users are less likely to select the wrong option. The AttributeValue option is there so you can have a more dynamic DateTime conversion. Using something like @Value(dateList) allows you to dynamically set the value of dataList = date1 date2
