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Hi everyone ,

Is there any way to create an area using the limits of area geometries in input ?

For exemple , if my geometries look like this  : 

and if I use the BoundingBoxAccumulator transformer ,it only creates a box based on the limits of the input . 

But I want the output to be like this :

  Any Insight is much appreciated !

Hello, have you tried using the HullAccumulator?

Thanks for the idea , It gives a better result than the BoundingBoxAccumulator  , but still very far from what I am looking for .

using the HullAccumulator


No worries, have you tried setting it to concave?

Have you set it to concave? 

Yes, I’ve tried to set it to concave , with different alpha values .but the result is still not good.

using concave , with alpha values : 0.75 , 1.75 , 4 ..


Hi @yagami9, I think you can :

  1. Assign an ID to each polygon.
  2. Transform the polygons into lines.
  3. Calculate the orientation of each line.
  4. Group lines with the same orientation.
  5. Extend the lines.
  6. Do a spatial join, grouping by elements with the same orientation but not from the same polygon.
  7. Remove unnecessary elements (outside the polygons).
  8. Select overlapping lines and combine them.
  9. Recreate polygons from the new and original lines.
  10. Merge all polygons into one and remove any holes if present.

I have tested it, I am joining the screenshot of the workflow and the result I have obtained.



@koulsoum Thanks for the response ! The screenshots of your workflow aren’t visible.

Could you please re-send them .



@koulsoum Thanks a lot for your time and help !

Could you please share the .fmw file of that workflow ? and the input if that is possible .

I tried to recreate it , but only a few features pass the Tester (_related_suppliers>0 ) , the rest have the value _related_suppliers= 0 .  .


@yagami9 I have joined all in a zip file.

I used your screenshot of the polygons for the input called “test.png”.


@koulsoum Thanks a lot !!! It works
