Hi @ingalla, I have created a transformer and put it in the store/hub, open your FME 2016.1 and search for RectangleCreator. You will need to set the width, height and the rotation (if required). Hope this works for you.
Hi @ingalla, I have created a transformer and put it in the store/hub, open your FME 2016.1 and search for RectangleCreator. You will need to set the width, height and the rotation (if required). Hope this works for you.
Hi @ingalla, what kind of polygon do you need to create from point(s)? e.g.
- Bufferer: creates a buffer area for each point.
- HullAccumulator: creates a convex or concave hull that contains given multiple points.
- VoronoiDiagrammer: creates Voronoi domains for each point.
I would use the Bufferer transformer.
And use the "Square buffer" mode to create rectangles. Using the "Round buffer" mode creates circles.
Hi @ingalla, I have created a transformer and put it in the store/hub, open your FME 2016.1 and search for RectangleCreator. You will need to set the width, height and the rotation (if required). Hope this works for you.
very useful, thank you