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Hi Guys,


i know many users ask something in that way (myself too) but its a little bit different, bcause i didnt find the exact answer to my question.



i have a polyline, gave a measure on it and produced vertices (PolylineAnalyzer) with an attribute where the extracted measure (MeasureExtractor,etc..) is saved and an attribute with the route_ID on it.

Then i have produced a flat line with the same length as my polyline and also an attribute with the route_ID on it.



How can i set my points (vertices) on this flat line (with the extracted measure attribute)?



I've read some answers from other linear referencing questions and tried some things but:


now I'm here!

but i don't think its too complicated.......merge, list, explode,....?!?

Thx and Greetz


Hi @franco69, If these points are on the produced line, I would try (or maybe you already did?) the PointOnLineOverlayer, which will effectively, slice up your produced line and by doing this introduce start end vertices.

After that its a matter of joining the newly produced line segments (route_ID) into a longer line with the LineJoiner.

Hope this helps.

Hi itay,


the points (vertices) are not on the produced line......


the produced is now a flat line with same length as the polyline where i've extracted the vertices and i want them measures now on the flat line as points.



Hi itay,


the points (vertices) are not on the produced line......


the produced is now a flat line with same length as the polyline where i've extracted the vertices and i want them measures now on the flat line as points.



Maybe it was a bit confusing, what I mean by 'are on the produced line' is do they have a spatial relationship with the produced line.


What do you mean by 'flat' line? no 3D? or a straight line?



with flat line i meant its a straight line and the vertices and the straight line have only the route_ID in an attribute as common.

with flat line i meant its a straight line and the vertices and the straight line have only the route_ID in an attribute as common.

Ok, that means you can recreate (or extract) the vertices and merge them to the straight line with the route_ID





Hi @franco69, if I understand your requirement correctly, this workflow might help you.


Hi Takashi,

so u mean the MeasureExtractor after the MeasureGenerator which is set after original polyline?

then I get measure values like this (table view: all _measures are 0), (info view: _measures attriutes have 1.#QNAN)


what is my fault?

Greetz Franco

Hi Takashi,

so u mean the MeasureExtractor after the MeasureGenerator which is set after original polyline?

then I get measure values like this (table view: all _measures are 0), (info view: _measures attriutes have 1.#QNAN)


what is my fault?

Greetz Franco

I assumed that you have generated measure already. If the original polyline did not have measure, of course generate measure with the MeasureGenerator before the MeasuerExtractor.


Hi Takashi ....yes I have generated measure and after that I set your workflow.....the result is mentioned in my post above.






Hi Takashi ....yes I have generated measure and after that I set your workflow.....the result is mentioned in my post above.






hmm... Please check if there is any difference between your workflow and the attached demo (FME 2016.1.2): flat-line-with-measure-vertices.fmw


I've checked it...I didn't find the error....your workflow is working...not mine...but here a screenshot of results..... the measure attribute is strange....

I've checked it...I didn't find the error....your workflow is working...not mine...but here a screenshot of results..... the measure attribute is strange....

Connect Inspectors to the MeasureGenerator and MeasureExtractor to check if the measure values have been generated correctly.


I've checked it again and I found the was my fault of course ;-)

I had a destination measure name on my "old" Measure Generator (which I need for other processes inside the workflow) and it was also _measure....that collided with the destination attribute in the MeasureExtractor of course it does function....thx a lot



But I have an additional task for the future maybe:

now the polyline is from left to right....what if the polyline runs from right to left and I want the flat line also do so?



But I have an additional task for the future maybe:

now the polyline is from left to right....what if the polyline runs from right to left and I want the flat line also do so?



maybe only a "-" in the attribute that creates then the X coordinate?



But I have an additional task for the future maybe:

now the polyline is from left to right....what if the polyline runs from right to left and I want the flat line also do so?



Yes, if you set -@Value(_measure) (the negative measure value) to the X Value parameter in the VertexCreator, the resulting line starts at (0,0) and goes to the left direction.


You can also use the Rotator to rotate the line with any angle.