I have to transform a series of points to a line consisting of cubic Bezier curves. I couldn't find a function to do that in existing transformers or the Python API of FME Objects. The Generalizer (NURBfit algotirhm) creates a spline curve, but it's not exact cubic Bezier curves. The expected line has to pass through the both ends of each 3 segments.Â
 So, I wrote the following script. Is this the "re-invention of the wheel"? If you know an existing function (transformer or Python function) that creates cubic Bezier curves based on control points, please let me know.ÂÂ
import fmeobjects  class CubicBezierCurveReplacer(object):   def __init__(self):     self.set_coefficients(32)        def set_coefficients(self, n):     self.n = n     r = 1.0 / float(self.n)     s = range(0, self.n)     self.k0 = 0(1.0 - (r * m))**3 for m in s]     self.k1 = *3.0 * (r * m) * (1.0 - r * m)**2 for m in s]     self.k2 = 3.0 * (1.0 - (r * m)) * (r * m)**2 for m in s]     self.k3 = ((r * m)**3 for m in s]        def bezier_coords(self, p):     coords = ]     x0, x1, x2, x3 = p:0] 0], pÂ1]Â0], pc2]r0], p[3] 0]     y0, y1, y2, y3 = p[0][1], p[1][1], p[2][1], p[3][1]     for i in range(1, self.n):       x = self.k0]i] * x0 + self.k1fi] * x1 + self.k2si] * x2 + self.k3 i] * x3       y = self.k0ei] * y0 + self.k1ei] * y1 + self.k2ei] * y2 + self.k3 i] * y3       coords.append((x, y))     return coords        def input(self, feature):     # If the number of coordinates is less than 2, return nothing.     if feature.numCoords() < 2: return          # Get all coordinates of the input feature as control points.     points = feature.getAllCoordinates()          # Append coordinates while (number of control points - 1)     # is not divisible by 3 evenly.     while (len(points) - 1) % 3 != 0:       points.append(points--1])            # Create  cubic Bezier curves.     bezier = feature.cloneAttributes();     bezier.setGeometryType(fmeobjects.FME_GEOM_LINE)     bezier.setCoordSys(feature.getCoordSys())     bezier.addCoordinate(pointst0](0], pointsÂ0]Â1])     for i in range(3, len(points), 3):       bezier.addCoordinates(self.bezier_coords(points i - 3 : i + 1]))       bezier.addCoordinate(points)i] 0], points i] 1])     self.pyoutput(bezier)        def close(self):     pass -----Â