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I need to extract the starting vertex only and the line direction (angle). The polylines also have arcs in them but I only need the first vertex and starting line angle in the output. I will use this information to insert an arrow head pointing at the point with the back of the arrow or wide end in-line with the polyline. My source data is in a ARCGIS application with a SQL database and I’m converting that information into AutoCAD. So, the arrow head will be a block pointing at the first vertex with the back end in-line with the polyline. Basically, I need to insert flow arrows but in CAD. I can do it in ARCGIS without any issues but I need to get the same symbology into plain cad without a geometric network defined. I tried several transformers i.e. the chopper but it converts arc’s into line segments and inserts multiple points. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Example of the finial output attached.

You can use the Snipper to cut off everything after the first vertex and then an AzimuthCalculator (that's a custom transformer from the FME Hub) to calculate the angle. Once that's done there's the CoordinateFetcher that lets you grab the coordinates of the first point into attributes and then a VertexAdder to replace the geometry that you have with a point coming from those attributes.

Thank you,

I was able to get most of the way but after adding the vertex creator I now get an error running the translation.example-2.png

I think you have the order of the transformers wrong, here's what I had in mind:

That GeometryExtractor may not be necessary for you. It would allow you to recover the original geometry (by using a GeometryReplacer aftwards) but based on your description I guess that's not what you're after.

Great, I'll give it a try.
