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I've been asked to provide our AutoCad users with an up to date copy of OS MasterMap in DWG format.  I have MasterMap in it's original GZ format or MapInfo TAB.  To complicate matters these users have been used to having their mapping available in 1km tiles.



I have managed to do a straight conversion from TAB to DWG but the output file is over 300Mb so I would like to know whether FME can be used to also tile the output into smaller individual files?  I've had a look at the Tiler and whilst this does tile the output it's all still in a single file (which doesn't help me).  To further complicate this I would then ideally like to name the output files by their tile reference, e.g. SH6050.



I could revert back to the old piece of software that I used to use for this process but I would prefer to move this onto FME if possible.



Many thanks



Take a look at "Fanout" option.



Yes, I agree. The tiler produces attributes that you can use as the attribute to fanout by. In this case you want separate DWG files, so it would be a Dataset Fanout (not a Feature Type Fanout)



I think I'm getting there but I still have a question about the dataset fanout option.
  • Whilst I think I've set it up correctly the dataset fanout appears to be creating multiple folders (indivudally named by FME) and within each folder is a file with each file having the same name. Ideally I would like to just create multiple files in a single folder and be able to give each file an individual name, for example, call the folder "autocad dwg" and then name each file according to the tile such as "SH66.dwg".
Many thanks
This image is an example of Dataset Fanout setting.




If features can have 1, 2 or 3 as "Code1", these files will be created.






Many thanks for the advice, this seems to have worked fine 🙂