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Hi all,



I have a point dataset that in some cases contains multiple points in the same location. In those cases only , I would like to do two things: 1. merge the points in to a single point and 2. join the attributes of all the merged points and assign them to the attribute table of the single point (denormalize the data). 



The reason I am doing this is because I would like to add labels to the points in ArcMap 10.0 but Maplex does not have a clean way to label multiple points with the same geometry so I figure that if the data was denormalized I could then create a label that ecompasses many fields but that stacks them neatly.



Thank you very much in advance for any assistance you can provide.





I would try the following:


Use a deaggregator to isolate the points (when having the same geometry) then use a sampler grouped by the ID to get 1 point. 



For the attribute I would try the attributeaccumulator grouped by the multipoint ID and merge it with the single point.



Hope this helps.
Hi,   I think getting the list containing all attributes of the points on the same location is suitable. How about the following way:   1. Create non-duplicated point features Aggregate multiple points on the same location by NeighborhoodFinder. Connects sNEIGHBORS] to AggregateFilter. Aggregated features comes from mAGGREGATE] of AggregateFilter, non-aggregated features (those are single points originally) comes from mNOT_AGGREAGTE]. Then, for extracting a point from each aggregated feature, use Deaggregator and Tester. Deaggregator sets "_part_number" (0-based index in the original aggregated feature) to each deaggregated feature, so it's possible to extract the first point of each aggregated feature by testing whether _part_number is 0 or not.   2. Get the list of the original point attributes in the same location Put a NeighborFinder. Connect both of AggregateFilter's ;NOT_AGGREGATE] and Tester's ;PASSED] to tBASE] of the NeighborFinder, and connect the stream of the original points to tCANDIDATE]. Set "Close Candidate List Name" parameter of the NeighborFinder (e.g. _points). Point features which come from oMATHCED] port are single points and they save the list containing attributes of the original points on the same location.
Oops!  there is an error.



error: "NeighborhoodFinder" --> correct: "NeighborhoodAggregator"

Thank you both for your input. I tried both methods but couldn't replicate your ideas in to the model I was creating as there were just too many parameters that I couldn't decipher. Fortunately I was able to find a quick solution in ArcGIS Desktop in the time since. 


Thanks again
