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Is it possible to containerize a dataflow ?


Something like this:

CaptureWhere we split our dataflow, we apply some specific transformation on one of the containers and then the rest of the dataflow is similar for both container. During the end of the workflow, both container will be isolated.


Is that possible ?


For simple workbench this is useless, but if, for example, I have a lot of "group by" transformer in the "End of the workflow" part, then it will be useful.


@baschec​ Yes you can, by splitting your workspace - in your case into four separate workspaces. You can use WorkspaceRunner or probably better for your workflow the FME Server Automations. using the Job Orchestration patterns

Tested and approved. However, a containerizer/decontainerizer transformers directly integrated inside the workflow could be a cool option (if eventually you have some free time in the next 20 years 😬).
