Hi @abu_de_bdlq_16
I think the way to go is to split the raster into cells and calculate the with the StatisticsCalculator the maximum value per row / column combination (group by). This maximum value can then be used to create the final raster.
This is just a possible solution. I am sure others (@takashi) have better / more readable solutions.
Hi @abu_de_bdlq_16, fortunately the three rasters have exactly same extents, resolution, and palette, and also the palette entry is ordered by color - i.e. from cyan (low) to red (high). In this condition, I think the RasterExpressionEvaluator would be a good solution, as the articles @itay linked describe. e.g.


In FME 2017, the RasterMosaicker could also be another solution. Coming soon :-)

In FME 2016 and earlier I would use the rasterBandCombiner to merge the files into one raster followed by a RasterExpressionEvaluator to get the max value of the 3 bands.
In FME 2017 I would look at the RasterMosaicker with overlapping values set to Max
Thank your very much @takashi, now it works. I thank also @jeroenstiers, @itay and @jdh for your support. :)
Best regards!
Hi @abu_de_bdlq_16, fortunately the three rasters have exactly same extents, resolution, and palette, and also the palette entry is ordered by color - i.e. from cyan (low) to red (high). In this condition, I think the RasterExpressionEvaluator would be a good solution, as the articles @itay linked describe. e.g.


In FME 2017, the RasterMosaicker could also be another solution. Coming soon :-)

I wonder if the mozaiker in 2017 will be able to do that since the calculations will only affect the overlap area and not the all raster extent.