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Hi Group,



I can easily create point geometry using the SQL Spatial Writer in FME however I can't create linear geometry or polygons (using shp or tab files as source).



I get "MS SQL Server (Spatial) Writer: Failed to get the SQL Server native binary form for column 'Geom'"



Any ideas?





This error is typically give by SQL Server itself when the geometry we send it from FME is somehow invalid.  A few common reasons:


- if your column is "geography" then the feature must be in lat long have geometry within the valid lat long range of numbers. You can use a Reprojector transformer


- self-intersecting features may also cause this error



You might try using the GeometryValidator to look for self-intersecting features or other invalid geometries. Failing that you could send a sample of this data to us in support ( and we can take a look.




