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I was using FME Data Inspector (2013 SP2 BETA B13489) reading some GIS dataset.


Accidentally hit upon the FME Options under Tools menu in FME Data Inspector.


Background Maps can now be brought into FME Data Inspector while looking at your own datasets in the foreground.


There is also option to reproject to a specified coordinate system.


Awesome addition to FME :-)


Hat's off to the team that conceived and developed this.


It would be nice if other free web map services (wms, wfs) can be provided in addition to ArcGIS Online.


Would there be options to set transparency to user dataset anytime in the future?







This sound like a great addition, I second SRG congratulations to the developmet team at Safe.


Well done!





yes, this is one of the great new features that is introduced with SP2. Safe is currently demoing it in their World Tour presentations.



Here is also the preliminary whatsnew.txt for SP2.




Thanks very much -- we think this, combined with the table view, work together to really improve the value of the Data Inspector.  If you have an ArcGIS Online account, you can use any of those very good basemaps.  The Stamen maps provide another option if you don't.  And you can point at WMS, or any other FME format, as well, with slightly slower refresh times.  



We're still sorting out a few SP2 issues with all this new functionality but it will be out very shortly...stay tuned.



And Wow SRG, you don't miss anything!
Thank you for the info. Is there a possibility to use a WMS as a background so that it reloads on every move (e.g. on zooming)?



What I've seen is that you can load it into the Inspector, but I doesn't reload the image.



Kind regards


