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Hi All,

I’m trying to improve the performance of my workbench by reducing the number of transformers. I was able to use AttributeManager to calculate the length of lines with the expression @Length() but I can’t work out how to round up the value up to 3 decimal places,

Is that doable using the arithmetic expression instead of AttributeRounder transformer? 


will do the trick!

@Length() calculates the length of line features. For polygonal features, the length is equal to the sum of its perimeter and the perimeter of any holes within it.

Is there a particular reason for the assumption that less transformers equals better performance?

Hi @david_r  I have been always under the impression that using using an AttributeManager right at the end of the workbench to help with areas, length, round up values, etc will improve the performance and make the tool ‘more tidy’….
