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Adding textures to polygons

  • 31 March 2013
  • 3 replies

I have to make 3D models to be opened in Presagis(Openflight format with .flt extension) and i'm requested to diminuate the dimension of the textures files by creating a single texture file for a group of polygons (the polygons are in fact the roofs of the buildings).


Since now i've succeded in creating a single texture file for each roof polygon, but as i said i'm requested to use one texture only for each 3D model.


I've tried to group the polygons by a field that is common for a number of buildings and apply a single image for the entire group. Clipping the image for the respective group was easy, but i can't apply that image to the roofs polygon.


The main problem is that the geometry of shape containing the group of buildings is not recognized by the ApperanceAdder transformer. If anybody had this problem please help me solve it.


I can't find neither the types of geometry that can be inputed via SURFACE port in ApparenceAdder transformer, because i could try to transform my shape in an apropiate format.


3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +13



I cant say that I have much experience with surfaces and texturing them, but in this case I think the issue might be your input geometry, that does not allow an appearance to bet set. (appearance styler)



Are your input polygons 3D/surfaces? if not you can try to set the geometry (geometry coercer) appliying the transformer's restrictions, by adding a z value and aggregating to create a multi surface.



Hope this helps.








Thank you for your answer Itay


I've manage to solve this issue by simply using (geometry coercer) and set the geometry type to fme_composite_surface. In this way apparence setter transformer succesfuly applied my textures to the group of buildings.


Prior to this i've  introduced two more transformer: face replacer to transform my polygon features to surfaces and aggregator to group them up by a code.


One problem solved!


Now i have a new chalenge. I have to applay textures to certain roofs (polygons) from my group of buildings using another texture file. The condition stays the same: to have a single texture file for all the polygons in the group.


I've been thinking to clip the textures for the respective roofs and merge them with the original texture file used initialy for the entire group of buildings.I think RasterMosaicker or RasterMerger should do the trick. I thank  you once more for your answer and if you have any ideas concerning my problem i'm open to new sugestions.



Have a nice day!
Userlevel 5
Badge +13
Hi Alex,


Glad to hear that I could help.


Sounds to me like you already have the answer, so I would split the polygon streem (attribute filter / tester) and use the second texture on the other group via a second appearence styler.


