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Find correct set of points based on line attribute

i have chopped up a set of lines into signal circuits which seems to be working great. Each signal circuit has two signals that define the begin and end of a circuit(with an associated attribute that should identify which circuit it belongs to). The issue I'm having is that there are two points in exactly the same location, one that has a corresponding attribute with the previous signal circuit and one that corresponds with the following signal circuit. I need to match an attribute of the circuit to the points so that i can bring some attributes from the point into the correct signal circuit.

3 replies

  • Evangelist
  • October 23, 2017

Hi @jonlibby,

Could you share us a sample your data?



  • Author
  • October 27, 2017

FME Script and Data attached. Let me know if you need any further explanation.signal-sections.fmwwoodtopw-track.zipisulated-joints-2-w-lat-long-jc.csv

  • October 27, 2017

@jonlibby Thanks for including your data. Can you expand on the rule for allocating the point to the correct circuit segment? In your workspace, the PointOnAreaOverlayer splits each circuit into segments. All those segments have the same attributes. What attribution on the point (CSV) features indicates whether it's the the upstream vs. the downstream line segment. What attributes are you trying to transfer to the segments? For example, records 93/94 in your CSV file are that the same location and seem to have the same attribute values.

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