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.flt to iCad format?

I have a .flt file that a client wants to use in Microsurvey. I actually have no background in iCAD files, but I thought I'd do what I can to help him if possible. The .flt came from USGS' TNM. I'm still very much a noob at FME, but it seems to me like it should either already be compatible, or something readily converted. If it needs conversion, I'd appreciate someone walking me through the steps. I can provide more info if I've left anything out.

9 replies

Hi @terraspatial, thanks for your question!


OpenFlight (.flt) files are supported by FME, and it should be possible to export as a format readable by CAD software like Microsurvey. Do you know what the destination file format needs to be? For instance, .dwg is a common CAD file format. If you have a sample file and/or workspace, it wouldn't hurt to upload it here so users can take a look at your data and transformation.





Thanks for the response, @NathanAtSafe. Yes, I'm told .dwg is an acceptable format for what they're doing. I suppose it should be a pretty straightforward transformation? I tried to upload the .flt file, but it's both too large and not an acceptable file format to upload.

terraspatial wrote:

Thanks for the response, @NathanAtSafe. Yes, I'm told .dwg is an acceptable format for what they're doing. I suppose it should be a pretty straightforward transformation? I tried to upload the .flt file, but it's both too large and not an acceptable file format to upload.

Would you be able to try zipping and uploading the file? Sometimes this works for unaccepted file formats.


.flt is not a super common format for FME, but I can help you get started with this conversion. A good first step would be to click File -> Generate workspace within FME Workbench. From here you can specify your reader (Preagis .flt OPENFLIGHT) and writer (AutoCAD .dwg) formats, as well as your incoming and outgoing datasets.


Hope this helps!



@NathanAtSafe still getting 1mb limitations for file attachments. I'm going to post the translation log from the generated workbench.


Starting translation...

FME 2017.1.0.0 (20170731 - Build 17539 - WIN64)

FME_HOME is 'C:\\Program Files\\FME\\'

FME Professional Edition [temporary FME Database Edition] (node locked-crc)

Serial Number: 0

Temporary License: 26 days left.

Machine host name is: TerraSpatial

START - ProcessID: 22416, peak process memory usage: 30252 kB, current process memory usage: 30120 kB

FME Configuration: Command line arguments are `C:\\Program Files\\FME\\fme.exe' `C:\\Users\\terra\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\wb-xlate-1507720077781_9392' `LOG_STANDARDOUT' `YES' `LogCountServerName' `{4b416b36-0ed5-4c7e-b089-75fc94028d97}'

Shared folders for formats are : C:\\Program Files\\FME\\datasources;C:\\Users\\terra\\Documents\\FME\\Formats

Shared folders for transformers are : C:\\Program Files\\FME\\transformers;C:\\Users\\terra\\Documents\\FME\\Transformers

Shared folders for coordinate systems are : C:\\Users\\terra\\Documents\\FME\\CoordinateSystems

Shared folders for coordinate system exceptions are : C:\\Users\\terra\\Documents\\FME\\CoordinateSystemExceptions

Shared folders for coordinate system grid overrides are : C:\\Users\\terra\\Documents\\FME\\CoordinateSystemGridOverrides

Shared folders for CS-MAP transformation exceptions are : C:\\Users\\terra\\Documents\\FME\\CsmapTransformationExceptions

Shared folders for transformer categories are : C:\\Users\\terra\\Documents\\FME\\TransformerCategories

FME Configuration: Reader Keyword is `OPENFLIGHT_1'

FME Configuration: Writer Keyword is `MULTI_WRITER'

FME Configuration: Writer Group Definition Keyword is `MULTI_WRITER_DEF'

FME Configuration: Reader type is `OPENFLIGHT'

FME Configuration: Writer type is `MULTI_WRITER'

FME Configuration: No destination coordinate system set

FME Configuration: Current working folder is `C:\\Users\\terra\\AppData\\Local\\Temp'

FME Configuration: Temporary folder is `C:\\Users\\terra\\AppData\\Local\\Temp', set from environment variable `TEMP'

FME Configuration: FME_HOME is `C:\\Program Files\\FME\\'

FME Configuration: FME_BASE is 'no'

FME Configuration: FME_MF_DIR is 'C:\\Users\\terra\\AppData\\Local\\Temp/'

FME Configuration: FME_MF_NAME is 'wb-xlate-1507720077781_9392'

FME Configuration: FME_PRODUCT_NAME is 'FME(R) 2017.1.0.0'

System Status: 393.61 GB of disk space available in the FME temporary folder (C:\\Users\\terra\\AppData\\Local\\Temp)

System Status: 128.00 TB of virtual memory available

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 15063)

FME Platform: WIN64

Locale: en_US

Code Page: 1252 (ANSI - Latin I)

FME Configuration: Process limit is 15.87 GB of physical memory

FME Configuration: Start freeing memory when process usage exceeds 47.62 GB of virtual memory

FME Configuration: Stop freeing memory when process usage is below 35.71 GB of virtual memory

Creating writer for format:

Creating reader for format: Presagis .flt (OPENFLIGHT)

Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for reader named `OPENFLIGHT'

Found .prj file 'C:\\Users\\terra\\Desktop\\FMEData\\usgs_ned_13_n46w085_gridfloat.prj'. Coordinate system will be set from .prj file

The projection (*.prj) file 'C:\\Users\\terra\\Desktop\\FMEData\\usgs_ned_13_n46w085_gridfloat.prj' could not be read or the file is empty. The coordinate system for the features in this shape file will not be set

Loaded module 'OPENFLIGHT' from file 'C:\\Program Files\\FME\\plugins/fme_osgrw/fme_osgrw.dll'

FME API version of module 'OPENFLIGHT' matches current internal version (3.8 20170315)

OPENFLIGHT Reader: Reading in Variable FeatureType mode

OPENFLIGHT Reader: Opening source dataset 'C:\\Users\\terra\\Desktop\\FMEData\\usgs_ned_13_n46w085_gridfloat.flt'

OPENFLIGHT Reader: Reading textures from the following folder: C:\\Users\\terra\\Desktop\\FMEData\\

Using MultiWriter with keyword `MULTI_WRITER' to output data (ID_ATTRIBUTE is `multi_writer_id')

Writer output will be ordered by value of multi_writer_id

Loaded module 'LogCount_func' from file 'C:\\Program Files\\FME\\plugins/LogCount_func.dll'

FME API version of module 'LogCount_func' matches current internal version (3.8 20170315)

OPENFLIGHT Reader: No valid or supported geometry read from input file

OPENFLIGHT Reader: Closing reader

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

FME Session Duration: 0.3 seconds. (CPU: 0.1s user, 0.1s system)

END - ProcessID: 22416, peak process memory usage: 37876 kB, current process memory usage: 37684 kB

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

Program Terminating

Translation FAILED.

Unknown record, opcode=44079 size=12611

Unknown record, opcode=17286 size=27205

Unknown record, opcode=57943 size=19267

Unknown record, opcode=17284 size=64560

Unknown record, opcode=17192 size=55883

Unknown record, opcode=21571 size=13934

Unknown record, opcode=51377 size=14147

Unknown record, opcode=17174 size=45899

Unknown record, opcode=19779 size=5053

Unknown record, opcode=17171 size=65072

Unknown record, opcode=17330 size=11849

Unknown record, opcode=64256 size=17987

Unknown record, opcode=17392 size=24886

Unknown record, opcode=50500 size=17228

Unknown record, opcode=39476 size=17192

Unknown record, opcode=23613 size=17277

Unknown record, opcode=12355 size=3838

Unknown record, opcode=57659 size=13123

Unknown record, opcode=17257 size=33869

Unknown record, opcode=5121 size=12611

Unknown record, opcode=17326 size=37439

Unknown record, opcode=15171 size=11687

Unknown record, opcode=5949 size=17299

Unknown record, opcode=2046 size=12355

Unknown record, opcode=17366 size=30518

Unknown record, opcode=65072 size=17159

Unknown record, opcode=2983 size=19523

Unknown record, opcode=17388 size=21835

Unknown record, opcode=14403 size=51729

Unknown record, opcode=17319 size=46925

Unknown record, opcode=22647 size=15939

Unknown record, opcode=17407 size=64816

Unknown record, opcode=17364 size=55371

Unknown record, opcode=17731 size=45992

Unknown record, opcode=18755 size=57408

Unknown record, opcode=17256 size=31304

Unknown record, opcode=17187 size=58952

Unknown record, opcode=17203 size=64816

Unknown record, opcode=17263 size=23883

Unknown record, opcode=17228 size=59984

Unknown record, opcode=17327 size=27204

Unknown record, opcode=17189 size=10315

Unknown record, opcode=15939 size=31604

Unknown record, opcode=16963 size=25223

Unknown record, opcode=64816 size=17396

Unknown record, opcode=39753 size=17194

Unknown record, opcode=13123 size=30325

Unknown record, opcode=17396 size=64816

Unknown record, opcode=34388 size=17286

Unknown record, opcode=17152 size=49

Unknown record, opcode=0 size=12611

Unknown record, opcode=20569 size=19523

Unknown record, opcode=17273 size=24374

Unknown record, opcode=64590 size=17345

Unknown record, opcode=13635 size=34184

Warning: Error in reading to "C:\\Users\\terra\\Desktop\\FMEData\\usgs_ned_13_n46w085_gridfloat.flt".

Just posted the translation log with the error @NathanAtSafe

terraspatial wrote:

@NathanAtSafe still getting 1mb limitations for file attachments. I'm going to post the translation log from the generated workbench.


Starting translation...

FME 2017.1.0.0 (20170731 - Build 17539 - WIN64)

FME_HOME is 'C:\\Program Files\\FME\\'

FME Professional Edition [temporary FME Database Edition] (node locked-crc)

Serial Number: 0

Temporary License: 26 days left.

Machine host name is: TerraSpatial

START - ProcessID: 22416, peak process memory usage: 30252 kB, current process memory usage: 30120 kB

FME Configuration: Command line arguments are `C:\\Program Files\\FME\\fme.exe' `C:\\Users\\terra\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\wb-xlate-1507720077781_9392' `LOG_STANDARDOUT' `YES' `LogCountServerName' `{4b416b36-0ed5-4c7e-b089-75fc94028d97}'

Shared folders for formats are : C:\\Program Files\\FME\\datasources;C:\\Users\\terra\\Documents\\FME\\Formats

Shared folders for transformers are : C:\\Program Files\\FME\\transformers;C:\\Users\\terra\\Documents\\FME\\Transformers

Shared folders for coordinate systems are : C:\\Users\\terra\\Documents\\FME\\CoordinateSystems

Shared folders for coordinate system exceptions are : C:\\Users\\terra\\Documents\\FME\\CoordinateSystemExceptions

Shared folders for coordinate system grid overrides are : C:\\Users\\terra\\Documents\\FME\\CoordinateSystemGridOverrides

Shared folders for CS-MAP transformation exceptions are : C:\\Users\\terra\\Documents\\FME\\CsmapTransformationExceptions

Shared folders for transformer categories are : C:\\Users\\terra\\Documents\\FME\\TransformerCategories

FME Configuration: Reader Keyword is `OPENFLIGHT_1'

FME Configuration: Writer Keyword is `MULTI_WRITER'

FME Configuration: Writer Group Definition Keyword is `MULTI_WRITER_DEF'

FME Configuration: Reader type is `OPENFLIGHT'

FME Configuration: Writer type is `MULTI_WRITER'

FME Configuration: No destination coordinate system set

FME Configuration: Current working folder is `C:\\Users\\terra\\AppData\\Local\\Temp'

FME Configuration: Temporary folder is `C:\\Users\\terra\\AppData\\Local\\Temp', set from environment variable `TEMP'

FME Configuration: FME_HOME is `C:\\Program Files\\FME\\'

FME Configuration: FME_BASE is 'no'

FME Configuration: FME_MF_DIR is 'C:\\Users\\terra\\AppData\\Local\\Temp/'

FME Configuration: FME_MF_NAME is 'wb-xlate-1507720077781_9392'

FME Configuration: FME_PRODUCT_NAME is 'FME(R) 2017.1.0.0'

System Status: 393.61 GB of disk space available in the FME temporary folder (C:\\Users\\terra\\AppData\\Local\\Temp)

System Status: 128.00 TB of virtual memory available

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 15063)

FME Platform: WIN64

Locale: en_US

Code Page: 1252 (ANSI - Latin I)

FME Configuration: Process limit is 15.87 GB of physical memory

FME Configuration: Start freeing memory when process usage exceeds 47.62 GB of virtual memory

FME Configuration: Stop freeing memory when process usage is below 35.71 GB of virtual memory

Creating writer for format:

Creating reader for format: Presagis .flt (OPENFLIGHT)

Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for reader named `OPENFLIGHT'

Found .prj file 'C:\\Users\\terra\\Desktop\\FMEData\\usgs_ned_13_n46w085_gridfloat.prj'. Coordinate system will be set from .prj file

The projection (*.prj) file 'C:\\Users\\terra\\Desktop\\FMEData\\usgs_ned_13_n46w085_gridfloat.prj' could not be read or the file is empty. The coordinate system for the features in this shape file will not be set

Loaded module 'OPENFLIGHT' from file 'C:\\Program Files\\FME\\plugins/fme_osgrw/fme_osgrw.dll'

FME API version of module 'OPENFLIGHT' matches current internal version (3.8 20170315)

OPENFLIGHT Reader: Reading in Variable FeatureType mode

OPENFLIGHT Reader: Opening source dataset 'C:\\Users\\terra\\Desktop\\FMEData\\usgs_ned_13_n46w085_gridfloat.flt'

OPENFLIGHT Reader: Reading textures from the following folder: C:\\Users\\terra\\Desktop\\FMEData\\

Using MultiWriter with keyword `MULTI_WRITER' to output data (ID_ATTRIBUTE is `multi_writer_id')

Writer output will be ordered by value of multi_writer_id

Loaded module 'LogCount_func' from file 'C:\\Program Files\\FME\\plugins/LogCount_func.dll'

FME API version of module 'LogCount_func' matches current internal version (3.8 20170315)

OPENFLIGHT Reader: No valid or supported geometry read from input file

OPENFLIGHT Reader: Closing reader

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

FME Session Duration: 0.3 seconds. (CPU: 0.1s user, 0.1s system)

END - ProcessID: 22416, peak process memory usage: 37876 kB, current process memory usage: 37684 kB

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

Program Terminating

Translation FAILED.

Unknown record, opcode=44079 size=12611

Unknown record, opcode=17286 size=27205

Unknown record, opcode=57943 size=19267

Unknown record, opcode=17284 size=64560

Unknown record, opcode=17192 size=55883

Unknown record, opcode=21571 size=13934

Unknown record, opcode=51377 size=14147

Unknown record, opcode=17174 size=45899

Unknown record, opcode=19779 size=5053

Unknown record, opcode=17171 size=65072

Unknown record, opcode=17330 size=11849

Unknown record, opcode=64256 size=17987

Unknown record, opcode=17392 size=24886

Unknown record, opcode=50500 size=17228

Unknown record, opcode=39476 size=17192

Unknown record, opcode=23613 size=17277

Unknown record, opcode=12355 size=3838

Unknown record, opcode=57659 size=13123

Unknown record, opcode=17257 size=33869

Unknown record, opcode=5121 size=12611

Unknown record, opcode=17326 size=37439

Unknown record, opcode=15171 size=11687

Unknown record, opcode=5949 size=17299

Unknown record, opcode=2046 size=12355

Unknown record, opcode=17366 size=30518

Unknown record, opcode=65072 size=17159

Unknown record, opcode=2983 size=19523

Unknown record, opcode=17388 size=21835

Unknown record, opcode=14403 size=51729

Unknown record, opcode=17319 size=46925

Unknown record, opcode=22647 size=15939

Unknown record, opcode=17407 size=64816

Unknown record, opcode=17364 size=55371

Unknown record, opcode=17731 size=45992

Unknown record, opcode=18755 size=57408

Unknown record, opcode=17256 size=31304

Unknown record, opcode=17187 size=58952

Unknown record, opcode=17203 size=64816

Unknown record, opcode=17263 size=23883

Unknown record, opcode=17228 size=59984

Unknown record, opcode=17327 size=27204

Unknown record, opcode=17189 size=10315

Unknown record, opcode=15939 size=31604

Unknown record, opcode=16963 size=25223

Unknown record, opcode=64816 size=17396

Unknown record, opcode=39753 size=17194

Unknown record, opcode=13123 size=30325

Unknown record, opcode=17396 size=64816

Unknown record, opcode=34388 size=17286

Unknown record, opcode=17152 size=49

Unknown record, opcode=0 size=12611

Unknown record, opcode=20569 size=19523

Unknown record, opcode=17273 size=24374

Unknown record, opcode=64590 size=17345

Unknown record, opcode=13635 size=34184

Warning: Error in reading to "C:\\Users\\terra\\Desktop\\FMEData\\usgs_ned_13_n46w085_gridfloat.flt".

Thanks for sharing the log @terraspatial.



Here we can see that the reader doesn't find valid geometry in the file. I'm not sure why, however - we'd need to take a look at your data to figure out what's going on. I'm wondering - would you give another attempt at uploading your file? You can try dropping it here: The Username is Anonymous, and there is no password to upload. Please upload your file to the root folder under "incoming", and *do not create subfolders*, as we won't be able to access them. If you need an FTP client, FileZilla is a lightweight one that I use.



If this also doesn't work, please open a support ticket here where you'll be prompted to attach a file. This way we can investigate this issue in a little more depth.






I've started the upload of the file, @NathanAtSafe. It should be complete within an hour or so.


Hi @terraspatial, thanks for uploading your file! I've been playing around with it and I think I've realized why it's not working with our OpenFlight reader. Your file is actually an ESRI GRIDFLOAT format which is not the same kind of .flt file as our .flt reader expects.

At the webpage linked above, under Format Specifications and Useful references at the bottom, you can find information for transforming these files within ArcGIS, or even reading them with a custom program built in Perl. Unfortunately this format is not supported by FME; however, if you can convert it to a format that we do support (such as a .tif or .img file), I believe your CAD transformation should be possible within FME.

This format is known by our raster developers, and is planned to be implemented some time in the future (when exactly is unknown). If you'd like to spark more conversation around the format and you'd really like to see it supported by FME, I suggest posting in our Ideas forum. This is where key Safers with an eye for development and product design come to find ideas for our future releases.

Hope this helps!


nathanatsafe wrote:

Hi @terraspatial, thanks for uploading your file! I've been playing around with it and I think I've realized why it's not working with our OpenFlight reader. Your file is actually an ESRI GRIDFLOAT format which is not the same kind of .flt file as our .flt reader expects.

At the webpage linked above, under Format Specifications and Useful references at the bottom, you can find information for transforming these files within ArcGIS, or even reading them with a custom program built in Perl. Unfortunately this format is not supported by FME; however, if you can convert it to a format that we do support (such as a .tif or .img file), I believe your CAD transformation should be possible within FME. 

This format is known by our raster developers, and is planned to be implemented some time in the future (when exactly is unknown). If you'd like to spark more conversation around the format and you'd really like to see it supported by FME, I suggest posting in our Ideas forum. This is where key Safers with an eye for development and product design come to find ideas for our future releases.

Hope this helps!




Further discussions with a developer have provided a possible workaround. If you have the .hdr (header) file associated with your .flt, a simple edit to that file may allow FME to read the data using a raster reader of another file format. Simply add these two lines to the .hdr file:


pixeltype float

nbits 32
Then read the file with the ESRIHDR reader.


Hope this helps!





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