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How do I restrict one user from getting email notification of Data Download?


Dear everyone, I am running some data download activities using FME server 2017. Everything is going well. I have set DATADOWNLOAD_ASYNC_JOB_SUCCESS email notification thus an user get to know about the successfull data downloading information. I want to restrict one user to get this email notification but I cannot find any parameter in this Subscription Topic. If anyone have any idea please let me know.


With kind regards


3 replies

Hi @mjoarder_pln,


I'm not sure I understand exactly what you are asking for... are you trying to only send out this notification to a single user?


hollyatsafe wrote:
Hi @mjoarder_pln,


I'm not sure I understand exactly what you are asking for... are you trying to only send out this notification to a single user?


Hi, good morning, I am making you clear. I have an published workflow in a published repository. Our working group members can use the web link from fme server to download the data. And each user after downloading the data will get an email notification regarding job success. I want to exclude one user from getting this mail but this user will able to downloa data.


I hope this make sense to you now! Thanks in advance.




Hi @mjoarder_pln

From my understanding you would like one user to be able to go onto the Run Workspace page in the FME Server Web UI and run this workspace to get the download link from that page, however you would not like them to receive an email after the job has run successfully.

There are three stages to the notification process which I believe you have already set up:

  1. Publish a workspace to notify a topic on job success
  2. Topic receives incoming message when this workspace is run
  3. Subscription monitors this topic and if there is a message it will send out an email to the value entered in the ‘Email To’ parameter. This email will include the download url.

There are two ways to specify who the email recipient is for this subscription. Either from within the subscription itself using the ‘Email To’ parameter. One option is to leave this blank by default and change the Security settings for this specific user so they do not have access to this subscription. Therefore they cannot edit the ‘Email To’ parameter in the Subscription with their email address so nothing would be sent to them when running a job.

However there is also an equivalent ’Email To’ parameter on the Run Workspace page that is associated with the ‘Email To’ parameter in any email subscriptions and anyone that is able to run a workspace is able to input a value here and if the rest of the Notification service is set up then this will be successful, even if they can’t see the subscription service. At present there is no option to hide this parameter or prevent access to it - but that sounds like a potentially useful enhancement.

The other suggestion might be to get this user to run the workspace with the Direct URL rather than from the Web UI (I think this would mean the permissions for the workspace would have to be set to Guest) and just do not provide them with the information to set up the email recipient parameter in that URL.

Unfortunately I’m not sure what you are looking for is really achievable at the moment - but you could post an idea to have permission settings to control whether the ‘Email To’ parameter is visible on the Run Workspace page.

P.s. There is a great tutorial series on email notifications with FME Server here: which you may find helpful.

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