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BoundingBoxReplacer crashing

In FME2013 I am having a problem with BoundingBoxReplacer crashing when set to Oriented Bounding Box. I am feeding it output from the Aggregator transformer.



Has anyone else had this issue? It worked fine in FME2011.

3 replies

  • April 9, 2013
Would recommend sending some sample data to your vendor / reseller. 



It may be specific to changes to the transformer or it may be that the data itself is deemed too complex.



Would also suggest looking at what happens in Task Manager to see if its maxxing out on RAM or CPU at the time the processing occurs.

  • Safer
  • April 10, 2013
Hi Josh,


Does it crash with the usual Windows "fme.exe has experienced an error and has had to close", or is it an error message in the log?



If it's a crash then for sure you should send it to your support contact and have them investigate.



You might be able to run it through the GeometryValidator (especially the tests for "Basic Geometry Integrity") and resolve the issue, but a crash is a crash and we should still like to try fix it.






Mark Ireland


Product Evangelist


Safe Software Inc.

  • Author
  • April 10, 2013

Sorry, I should have been more specific. It was failing at the BoundingBoxReplacer with an error:


"BoundingBoxReplacer: Cannot handle geometric aggregates which contain things other than lines, points, polygons or donut polygons"



This morning I installed Service Pack 1 and it seems to have fixed the problem. I'm not sure what changed between the initial release and SP1 to fix it though.

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