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Revit files (.rvt) taking a long time to process

  • January 31, 2022
  • 1 reply

Revit files seems to have a non linear time to process. Is there anything I am doing wrong or anything I can do to speed this up. Currently a:

8MB file ~ 10 minutes

70MB file ~ 1 hour 10 minutes+

200MB file ~ waited over 12 hours before cancelling.


I have many of these files I need to process so just 1 file taking over 1 hour is way too long. What is the best way forward? I have a similar pipeline with civil3D files however they are processed fairly quickly, it seems to be just revit files take a long time.


1 reply


Hi @jaxsant​,

It looks like your screenshot is from FME Server's workspace viewer, are you getting the same Revit file reading speeds on FME Desktop as well? I'd also be curious what version of Revit these files were saved in and if there are any complaints in the logfile when run in FME Workbench.


Are you needing to re-read the same Revit file often? If you only need to run the same Revit file through the workflow once, consider turning off 'persistent caching' in the workspace in FME Workbench and re-uploading to see if that improves reading time for you. There's more information on the Persistent Cache parameter under Advanced in the Revit Reader Parameters documentation.


From your workflow snippet, it looks like you're trying to extract a particular point. Is there a different filter you could make use of in the reader such as 'Exterior Shell Only' as opposed to reading in all elements and/or a coarser level of detail for geometry?


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