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FME Server Resource value as User Parameter Default Value

  • January 9, 2019
  • 1 reply


In workbench I have a published parameter that specifies a folder output value. I want the default value to be a resource that is already registered with the server $(MY_OUTPUT_FOLDER). How do I make the published parameter the server resource the default value? I've tried using the same path as the server resource but it doesn't pick it up. I've also tried using $(MY_OUTPUT_FOLDER) but the parameters won't let me set it because of the $ character. Ideas?

Essentially what I'm trying to do is to allow the user to run the workspace on FME Server without having to specify any parameters by converting all public parameters to private parameters and publishing.

1 reply

  • Safer
  • January 10, 2019

I'm not sure I fully understand the scenario here. You want to have the workspace point to an output folder on FME Server. That folder is defined how? As an FME Server Resource? Or an FME Server Resource Connection? Where does the $(MY_OUTPUT_FOLDER) come from?

Usually you would store data in a resource folder. So if you go to the Resources section of the Server GUI, click on Data, and add a subfolder called MY_OUTPUT_FOLDER then in FME workspaces you'd reference that as $(FME_SHAREDRESOURCE_DATA) \\MY_OUTPUT_FOLDER

Does that help? So the output folder could be set in the workspace as the above. Then you wouldn't need a user parameter, published or private. Or am I misunderstanding the situation?

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