I'm using FME Desktop 2020 and have a workbench with several SQLExecutor transformers. These are performing 1000s of SQL queries against a PostGIS database and working fine. The only issue I have is that every SQL statement is being logged in the FME log, which is creating a bloated log file (100s of MBs in size).
I don't need to see the individual SQL statements in the FME log, but these are coming through as INFO level messages (I would actually class this type of logging as DEBUG not INFO level log messages - but that's another story).
I know there are options to turn off INFO messages, but other INFO messages may be useful. So is there a way to turn off logging of SQL statements only?
I would have thought this could be a global logging option or an option on the SQLExecutor (and SQLCreator) if this option doesn't exist already somewhere.
Any thoughts appreciated.