
XMLFragmenter - How to expose only the first attribute

  • 24 November 2022
  • 4 replies



I am trying to expose an attribute from the _response_body returned from a http caller.


This is the response:


<s:Envelope xmlns:s="" xmlns:u=""><s:Header><o:Security s:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:o=""><u:Timestamp u:Id="_0"><u:Created>2022-11-24T11:20:34.572Z</u:Created><u:Expires>2022-11-24T11:25:34.572Z</u:Expires></u:Timestamp></o:Security></s:Header><s:Body><CreateWorksheetResponse xmlns=""><CreateWorksheetResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i=""><CodeDescription>Success</CodeDescription><ErrorCode>0</ErrorCode><ErrorDescription>Success</ErrorDescription><SuccessFlag>true</SuccessFlag><a:WorksheetResponse xmlns:b=""><b:anyType i:type="c:string" xmlns:c="">129283</b:anyType><b:anyType i:type="c:string" xmlns:c=""/></a:WorksheetResponse></CreateWorksheetResult></CreateWorksheetResponse></s:Body></s:Envelope>


In bold is what i would like to expose.


I have set the elements to match anyType and attributes to expose to anyType.


The problem is that it returns two rows as there is two anyType attributes. I only need the first one.


any ideas on how i can ignore the second one? im not sure what it is used for as its never had any data in it.


Thank you.



Best answer by ebygomm 24 November 2022, 15:57

View original

4 replies

Userlevel 5

You can use a Tester and check that the attribute "anyType" has a value. You'll have to expose "anyType" in the XMLFragmenter first:

imageYou'll also have to enable flattening:

imageFollowed by:


Userlevel 2
Badge +21

If you just need to get the value of that first element you could also use an XMLXQueryExtractor

declare namespace b='';

imageThis should return the value 129283

If you just need to get the value of that first element you could also use an XMLXQueryExtractor

declare namespace b='';

imageThis should return the value 129283

Thank you, this is exactly what i was looking for.

You can use a Tester and check that the attribute "anyType" has a value. You'll have to expose "anyType" in the XMLFragmenter first:

imageYou'll also have to enable flattening:

imageFollowed by:


Thank you for the detailed response David. I ended up using the XMLXQueryExtractor in the end as if the httpcaller was to return an error it would mean that the first anyType would also be blank and i would not want to filter it out in that case as i do some error handling later on.
