We are on the process to upgrade FME 2015 to 2020. Because all of the security regulations our cybersecuirty team blocking this from happening without getting an answers for the following question, we do appreciate if you can help us with this.
- What types of applications are being coded and in what languages?
- What training has been provided or completed in secure application development by the development team?
- What is the Software Development LifeCycle, and how does security form a part of this?
- Do the applications take inputs or variables? If yes, how are they sanitised?
- Are whitelists being used in place of blacklisted characters?
- Are automated tools used to scan for vulnerabilities, what is the time frame for high and critical vulnerabilities to be remediated?
- Where will the code repository sit?
- How are error exceptions handled?
- What network separation is there from Dev/ QA/ Prod, who reviews the code?