
Help / Error Setting up Email to Server

  • 14 January 2021
  • 2 replies

Badge +1

Hi, I followed this guide:


Sending email, Part 1: Setting up a topic and an email subscriber (


And we know our port is 25. I followed the guides and troubleshooting, turned the Allow Less Secure apps ON in gmail as well. But still I get stuck on the

Creating the email subscription step, the validate gets this error:

SSL error occurred. Ensure connection security and port are correct. Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?


I am on company server via VPN so I cannot access the services.msc or make changes to the firewall. Any idea if I entered something wrong?

snip2snip3 snip1

2 replies

Badge +1

Hi! If you're sending emails over SMTP with SSL/TLS, you need the port to be 465 as per - so either set it to not be over SSL/TLS and use port 25 (which I think gmail won't accept, so not a wise idea) - or ensure that 465 is open and use that one. I'd expect 465 to perhaps be open by default, but who knows. You're saying "And we know our port is 25" - I'm not sure what you mean by that, can you elaborate?

Badge +1

I tried again, didnt work, then again, worked for some reason?? Couldnt get the test JSON line to work but I just sent "Hello" and got an email to my gmail
