
MS Word Writer Issue - Creating corrupt documents when writing more than two images.

  • 5 May 2023
  • 1 reply


I am creating PDF reports from ArcGIS Portal Features w/ attachments. The workbench is set up to write to a word doc to use the template doc functionality (custom header/footer) and then converting to PDFs with a PythonCaller. It seems that when writing more than 2 images (from the feature attachments) to the MS Word document, it corrupts the file. Two images or less works correctly and the documents are able to convert.


I am writing out images from attachments to a local drive using the BinaryDecoder and AttributeFileWriter. Then specifying them for the word doc using the MSWordStyler --> Image Source = From File.


I've tried using a PythonCaller after the the AttributeFileWriter to compress the images (jpeg and png) and resize them before being written to the word doc, but that doesn't seem to help.


Any help/ideas would be appreciated.

1 reply

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MSWord and MSExcel writers both have bugs when using templates.

Please run the workspace without a template set and see if it solves the problem.

For MSExcel I found that FME 2021.2 works with fewer bugs.
