
Set attribute dynamically in UI on startup?

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I'm reading and writing dynamically some spatial data and this works as intended, however there is a usecase where if a certain attribute has value 'X' something else needs to be done (different kind of projection). The caveat is that the input isn't consistent on the name. it can be AtributeName, Atribute_Name,attribute_name,...


Is it possible that when the user specifies the input data location, the user can also specify which attribute from it's data that contains the correct information? I've tried with a AttributeName parameter in the UI, but this is always linked with the attributes that are present in the initial reader and doesn't refresh to a new gdb if I provide one

3 replies

Userlevel 1
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Have you looked at the AttributeDereferencer?

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Have you looked at the AttributeDereferencer?

I didn´t know that transformer, so I checked it but as far as I see it´s only limited to the known attributes from the reader.

My intention is that the user can define its attribute in the dialog from its source, so I need something in the dialog that refreshes​ the attribute values to select their attribute. Inside the workspace I can use the attribute derefer3ncer

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Actually to put it simpler:

When you have a dynamic reader and you start up the workspace: when you select the file you want to process, the feature types you can select is updated to reflect what's present in your data.

I'm looking into this functionality but it works on attribute names from the specified file
