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As the title says, FME is running much slower on my machine vs a colleague running the exact same process with a similar spec machine. The process took them 2hrs 48 minutes, while I had to kill the process after 4 days of running.


We tried changing the fme temp directory off my C drive and onto another and I noticed something in the log file. At the start of the process the log file states that the temp file is:

2020-05-12 14:33:56| 0.2| 0.0|INFORM|System Status: 2.78 TB of disk space available in the FME temporary folder (U:\\osihfile04\\Land_Cover_Store\\FME_TEMP)

However later on at the end of the log file it states:

|1405.6| 0.0|STATS |Stored 51098 feature(s) to FME feature store file `C:\\Users\\jonesD\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\wb-inspectors-vsYHBZ\\inspector.ffs'

2020-05-12 14:57:24|1405.6| 0.0|INFORM|Saving spatial index into file 'C:\\Users\\jonesD\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\wb-inspectors-vsYHBZ\\inspector.fsi'

2020-05-12 14:57:24|1405.7| 0.0|INFORM|Finished saving spatial index into file 'C:\\Users\\jonesD\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\wb-inspectors-vsYHBZ\\inspector.fsi'

As you can see at the start of the process it is saying it is writing the temp files to U drive while at the end it seems to be writing the files to the C drive. Would this make any difference?


Thanks for any help.


You can set the path for the temp directory to a local directory.


Also, setting the log file to run locally can increase speed dramatically. I'm assuming U: is a mapped drive on the network and will slow things down.


You can set the path for the temp directory to a local directory.


Also, setting the log file to run locally can increase speed dramatically. I'm assuming U: is a mapped drive on the network and will slow things down.


Yes we had it mapped to my G drive which is a local ssd. But it was slow here. This drive had about 500gb of free space. After this IT wanted to map it to a drive with more space, so they mapped it to U drive, which has 2.5tb of space. It is a network drive, but this is an experiment and not a long term solution. I'm more interested in the fact that at the start of the log file we are sending temp files to U and at the end we are sending them to C. Is this normal does it matter?



Yes we had it mapped to my G drive which is a local ssd. But it was slow here. This drive had about 500gb of free space. After this IT wanted to map it to a drive with more space, so they mapped it to U drive, which has 2.5tb of space. It is a network drive, but this is an experiment and not a long term solution. I'm more interested in the fact that at the start of the log file we are sending temp files to U and at the end we are sending them to C. Is this normal does it matter?



It's not supposed to reference drives that aren't in the process or environment variable.

Verify your environment variable is correct by opening a command prompt and typing;

echo %FME_TEMP%


If that is correct, open the workbench with notepad and see if the u: drive is referenced. That will give you a better idea of what it's doing. Always use notepad btw. You can modify it and it won't corrupt the workbench.



Hi @bjudes, why use inspector if speed is critical?

Update, I rolled back my version of FME from 2019.1 to 2018.1 and the workbench has now run with the same speed as my colleagues was running. Down from 4 days (and running) to circa 3 hours.

However, going back in versions appears to have thrown up another problem. I am trying to run about 5500 features through the AreaOnAreaOverlayer and it is giving me 80000+ features on the output. This was never a problem with the previous version. Does anyone have any idea why this would happen?

Thanks for any help you can give.


Hi @bjudes, why use inspector if speed is critical?

That is a fair observation, I didn't think of it. Removed them. Thanks

Update, I rolled back my version of FME from 2019.1 to 2018.1 and the workbench has now run with the same speed as my colleagues was running. Down from 4 days (and running) to circa 3 hours.

However, going back in versions appears to have thrown up another problem. I am trying to run about 5500 features through the AreaOnAreaOverlayer and it is giving me 80000+ features on the output. This was never a problem with the previous version. Does anyone have any idea why this would happen?

Thanks for any help you can give.


Is the tolerance set to the same value?

Is the tolerance set to the same value?

Hi @ebygomm, thanks for the reply. Yes the tolerance is set to Automatic on both. I've attached a log file if that is any help.




